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HomeTasting CultureWine Culture Stop buying fake Maotai. The identification method is so simple!

Stop buying fake Maotai. The identification method is so simple!

On major festivals, we like to give gifts, such as cigarettes and wine. Maotai is China's national liquor, and there are many people who like to drink. However, Maotai's popularity in the market is more difficult to find, and counterfeiters emerge in endlessly. There are often various versions of "Maotai", some of which are high imitation, while others are directly counterfeiting, which increases the difficulty of gift giving.

Many wine drinkers said, "if you buy Maotai, you are not afraid of expensive, but afraid of fake." it is recommended that you know more about the details of the packaging and bottle before buying Maotai, and you can make a general judgment on the authenticity without expert wine evaluation.

At present, there are so many news about making and selling fake products that I feel mixed every time I see them. Attics and store partners are often asked:

Distinguish the authenticity of tobacco and wine

Often in the face of everyone's appeal, in order to solve your confusion, the cabinet specially set up a column of "distinguishing the authenticity of tobacco and wine", which will be updated from time to time in the future to help you more intuitively distinguish the authenticity of products. On the eve of the 315 national consumer rights day, it will do the first phase of distinguishing the authenticity of Maotai.

Baijiu liquor is a typical representative of China's Maotai flavor liquor. It is the only ethnic product of the Chinese Baijiu industry, which integrates green food, organic food, geographical indication products and national intangible cultural heritage in the whole world. Moutai liquor is a typical product of China's liquor industry.

In 2001, the former General Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine approved Guizhou Maotai liquor to become a product of geographical origin protection after a comprehensive investigation on Maotai brewing history, brewing environment, brewing technology and other aspects.

Maotai ranks 270 in the list of the world's top 500 brands in 2020.

In fact, as long as Maotai carries out comprehensive identification from identification, sealing identification and bottle type identification, the accuracy of Maotai liquor identification can be improved. Generally, 80% of the fake Maotai in the market can be identified. Today, gege will sort out a method to identify the true and false Maotai with the naked eye!

Let consumption have more trust

I don't know when, Chinese consumers have built a high line of defense against "wine". According to the survey, whether real wine or fake wine is the simplest and biggest problem faced by Chinese consumers when buying wine. Consumers seem to have been bitten by a snake for ten years. When it comes to wine, the conditioned reflex is whether it is fake or not.

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